Capitalization and Punctuation of Roman Numerals: The single capitalization indicator must be used before a Roman numeral consisting of one capitalized letter; the double capitalization indicator must be used before a Roman numeral consisting of two or more unspaced capitalized letters. The effect of the double capitalization indicator is terminated by any symbol other than a letter.
Roman numerals are mathematical expressions and must be punctuated accordingly.
Roman Numerals and the English Letter Indicator: Generally, the English letter indicator with Roman numerals is treated in the same manner as when used with English letters. When the English letter indicator is used, its effect extends through the entire Roman numeral following it.
The English letter indicator must be used before a Roman numberal consisting of a single capitalized letter or before a Roman numeral consisting of one or more uncapitalized letters if the Roman numeral in braille is preceded by a space or by one or more punctuation marks and is followed by a space or by one or more punctuation marks.
The English letter indicator must not be used with a Roman numeral consisting of two or more capitalized letters in regular type.
- i, ii, iii, iv, v.

- I, II, III, IV, V.

- Solve problems Ii and ii.

- Read Volumes I and II.

- x denotes the number 10.

- V denotes the number 5.

- 1. Factor:
i. 4ab + 4x2 -a2-4b2
ii. (m - n)2 - (a + b)2

- Solve problems i-v and ix-xi.

- Read rule 3-i.

- quadrant-I

- Read chapters I-X and XV-XVI.

- Solve Exercises I-a and II-b.

- Figure V- not VI- is greater in area.

The English letter indicator must be used when it is necessary to show that a Roman numeral is printed in nonregular type.
- Name the numbers shown by the boldface numerals: I, ii.

The English letter indicator must not be used with a Roman numeral in regular type immediately preceded or followed by a sign of comparison. However, the English letter indicator must be used with a Roman numeral consisting of a single capitalized letter or one or more uncapitalized letters separated from a sign of comparison by a mark of punctuation.
- I = 1, v = 5, and x = 10.

- I = 1, V = 5, and X = 10.

- xi =10 + 1

- LX = 50 + 10

- In Roman numerals, "C" =100, "I" = 50, and "ix" = 9.

The English letter indicator must not be used with any Roman numeral in regular type in an expression consisting of a sequence of unspaced mathematical symbols.
- x - v = v

- X - V = V

- ix - v = iv

- IX + V = XIV

- Read items i, i', ii, and ii'.

- Formulas I, I', II, and II'.

- Statements i2 and ii2.

- Theorems I2 and II2.

- Definitions i2 and I2.

When a Roman numeral has a plural, possessive, or ordinal ending, the English letter indicator must be used or must not be used as though such endings were not present.
- The v's in iv and VI name what number?

- How are the X's used in LX and DX?

- xix's and XIX's.

The English letter indicator must not be used with a Roman numeral in regular type in an enclosed list.
- (1, i, 2, ii)

- (1, I, 2, II)

The English letter indicator must not be used with a Roman numeral in regular type enclosed in signs of grouping.
- Add:
(i) 10,742 + 4,976
(ii) 943 + 4632 + 1000

- Locate quadrants (I) and (II).

When a Roman numeral is in direct contact with only its opening or closing sign of grouping, the English letter indicator must be used ormust not be used as though the grouping signs were absent. However, the English letter indicator must not be used when a grouping sign carries a prime, a superscript, or a subscript.
- The problems (i and ii) are difficult.

- (M is a Roman Numeral)

- (name the Arabic numeral for MCM)

- (v = 5)

- (D = 500)

- (xiv = 14)

- (MCMLXXII = 1972)

- (v + i) x (xx + xv)

- (V + I) x (XX + XV)

- Read sections X), X)', x)2, and x)2.

Letter Combinations Similar to Roman Numerals: When it is unclear whether a letter combination is a Roman numeral, the combination must be treated as if it were not a Roman numeral. In such cases, the letters must be treated individually, and the English letter indicator must be used or not used in accordance with the rules for English letters.
- What does DC denote?

- dix has a special meaning.
