Braille slate



Session Topics
  • Function
  • Function, part two.
  • Function, part three.
  • Contractions
  • Format

  • Writing Exercise

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  • Transcribers course


    Special Format Requirements for Linked Expressions: A linked expression must contain at least one sign of comparison. The part preceding the first sign of comparison is called the anchor. Each remaining part, beginning with a sign of comparison and ending before the next sign of comparison, is called a link.

    A linked expression is subject to special braille format requirements if it appears in print in the following way:

    a.The expression is displayed and not embedded in the text.

    b.Its signs of comparison are vertically aligned, except possibly for the last few, which may occur on the last print line of the expression.

    c. No sign of comparison is preceded by any expression on its left, excepting the anchor on the first line and links on the last line.

    Braille Format for Special Linked Expressions:

    a.Under the special format requirements, when a linked expression occurs in unitemized explanatory portions of the text, the anchor must begin in cell 3, and its runovers must begin in cell 7. Each link must begin in cell 5, and its runovers must begin in cell 7.

    (1) To factor ab + c2+ ac + bc, the terms can be grouped in pairs with a common factor.

    (2) We can reduce 12 1/2% to lowest terms in the following way:


    (In print, the last three links appear on the same line).

    b.In an itemized text containing no subdivisions, the anchor must begin in cell 5, and its runovers must begin in cell 9. Each link must begin in cell 7, and its runovers must begin in cell 9.

    (1)The example below shows a way to finding 6 x 245

    Is there an other way to find 6 x 245?

    (2) What is the function of the parentheses in the following:

    (3) We can find the product of 6 and 44,444 by the distributive principle:

    (4) Using the binomial theorem to find 1.1 to three decimal places, we see that

    c.In an itemized text containing subdivision, the anchor must begin in cell 11. Each link must begin in cell 9, and its runovers must begin in cell 11.

    (1) Study the following work.

    (a) Add the percents to find the sum:

    (b) Why is it necessary to use a common denominator?

    (2) Factor 2a(b-c)-3x (c-b).

    (a) Factors b-c and c-b are divisible by (b-c) since

    (b) Thus we see

    (3) Study the following for given

    (a) The formula derived below is called the law of cosines.

    (b) The formula is usually written in the form

    Explain its use.

    (4) 4.

    (b) Assign a coefficient to each power of x, and complete the solution.

    Developed by
    Shodor logoThe Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
    in cooperation with the
    North Carolina Central University
    and the Governor Morehead School for the Blind

    Copyright © 1998