BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Braille Reference Desk
Main BRL page
BANA publications
English Braille, American Edition 1994
Braille Formats
Chemistry 1997
Music 1997
Nemeth Mathematics 1972
Reference Sheets
Summary of Rules
Contractions List
Braille contractions
Typical Problem words
Interactive Resources:
Contraction Lookup
Contact developers
Copyright © 1996, 1997,1998,1999, 2000 The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., All
rights reserved.
C Words
- cab(ar)et
- ca(ble)d
- Caen
- Caes(ar)(ea)n
- Cal(ed)onia
- calis(the)nics
- Call(ow)ay
- cam(ar)ad(er)ie
- c(ance)ll(ation)
- c(ance)r
- c(and)idate
- cano(ed)
- cans
- (can)Õt
- cantil(ever)
- c(ar)e(er)
- C(ar)i(bb)(ea)n
- c(ar)n(ation)
- C(ar)ol(ing)ian
- c(ar)(ou)se
- c(ar)te blan(ch)e
- c(ar)thorse
- cas(in)o
- cass(er)ole
- Ca(st))ler(ea)(gh)
- cath(ea)d
- Ca(the)r(in)e
- cation
- cau(st)ic(ally)
- cav)ea_t
- c(ed)(ar)
- c(ed)illa
- ce(ment)
- c(en)time
- c(en)timet(er)
- c(en)trosome
- c(en)trosph(er)e
- c(er)amics
- c(er)(ea)l
- c(er)ise
- c(er)ul(ea)n
- (ch)a(ff)(in)(ch)
- (ch)aise l(ong)ue
- (Ch)ald(ea)n
- (ch)al(one)
- (ch)alyb(ea)te
- (ch)(ance)d
- (ch)(ance)llor
- (ch)(ance)d
- (ch)(ance)llor
- (ch)(ance)ry
- (ch)(and)eli(er)
- (ch)angea(ble)
- (ch)ap(ea)u
- (ch)ap(er)(one)
- (character)i(st)ic(ally)
- (ch)(ar)ade
- (ch)(ar)gea(ble)
- (ch)(ar)ge dÕa(ff)aires
- (Ch)(ar)le(st)on
- (Ch)(ar)lest(ow)n
- (ch)a(st)ise
- (ch)at(ea)u
- (Ch)atham
- (ce)(ed)d(ar)
- (ch)e(er)(less)(ness)
- (ch)em(in) de f(er)
- (ch)(en)ille
- (ch)(er)oot
- (ch)iefta(in)less
- (ch)i(ff)oni(er)
- (ch)ildhood
- (ch)ildi(sh)(ness)
- (ch)ildlike
- (child)Õs
- (Ch)ilds
- (ch)(in)a
- (Ch)(in)ese
- (Ch)(in)ese
- (Ch)(in)ook
- (Ch)isholm
- (Ch)op(in)
- (Ch)(ou) En-lai
- (ch)ri(st)(en)(ed)
- (ch)romosome
- (ch)u(bb)i(ness)
- (ch)uckfull
- cic(er)one
- cig(ar)ette
- c(in)(er)(ar)ium
- ci(the)rn
- citiz(en)less
- c(ity)
- cl(and)e(st)(in)e
- cl(ar)(in)et
- cle(ment)
- Cle(ment)(in)e
- cl(ever)e(st)
- cli(ff)s
- clo(the)shorse
- clyp(ea)te
- cob(ble)r
- Co(ble)nz
- co(ch)(in(ea)l
- co(ed)
- coenobite
- co(en)zyme
- co(er)ce
- c(of)fee
- co(here)
- coh(er)(ence)
- coh((er)(en)t
- coi(ff)ure
- Col(er)idge
- coll(in)e(ar)
- colonel
- colorbl [colorblind]
- (com)a
- (Com)an(ch)(ea)n
- (com)atose
- (com)b
- (com)b(in)(ation)
- (com)(ed)ian
- (com)(ed)y
- comÕ(er)e
- (com)inÕ
- (Com)(in)t(er)n
- comique
- (com)m(and)ant
- (com)m(and)(er)-in-(ch)ief
- (com)m(ence)d
- (com)(ment)
- (com)(ment)(ar)y
- (com)m(ing)le
- (com)mon(er)
- (com)mone(st)
- (com)p(ar)a(ble)
- (com)(part)(ment)
- (com)p(en)s(ation)
- (com)pli(ment)(ar)y
- (com)pon(en)t
- (com)ptroll(er)
- (com)radery
- con
- co(name)d
- con(ation)
- (con)ative
- conatus
- (con)c(ed)(ed)
- (con)cvd [conceived]
- (con)c(er)t(in)a
- con(ch)
- (con)(ch)a
- conchuela
- (con)ci(er)ge
- (con)comit(ance)
- (con)di(ment)
- (con)d(one)
- (con)don(ed)
- c(one)
- con(ed)
- c(one)nose
- (Con)e(st)oga
- coney
- (con)f(ed)(er)(ation)
- (con)ga
- (con)ge
- (con)g(ea)(ed)
- (con)g(er)
- (Con)go
- (Con)gress
- (con)gru(ou)s
- (con)ic
- conidium
- conif(er)
- coni(in)e
- conium
- (Con)in.
- (con)n(ing)
- conoid
- (con)sci(ence)
- (con)(st)(er)n(ation)
- (con)t.
- conte
- (con)t(in)(en)t
- (con)t(ing)(en)t
- (con)t(in)u(ity)
- (con)tradist(in)c(tion)
- (con)tr(ar)iety
- (con)tredanse
- conundrum
- (con)v(en)(ance)
- (con)v(en)i(ence)
- (con)v(en)(tion)al(ity)
- (con)v(er)sazione
- cony
- coop(er)(ation)
- coord(in)(ation)
- coord(in)(ation)
- cop(ar)c(en)(ar)ly
- copy(right)
- coron(er)
- coronet
- corpor(ea)l
- cortis(one)
- co(st)(er)m(ong)(er)
- co(st)um(er)
- cot(er)ie
- cda [coulda]
- cdnÕt [couldst]
- c(ount)(en)(ance)
- c(ount(er)(part)
- c(ount)ess
- c(ount)ry
- c(ount)y
- c(ou)pon
- c(ou)rth(ou)se
- c(ou)turi(er)
- c(ow)(ar)d
- c(ow)h(er)d
- c(ow)hide
- co(work)(er)
- cra(bb)(ed)
- cr(ea)te
- cre(ation)
- cr(ea)tor
- cr(ea)ture
- cr(ed)(en)tials
- cr(ed)o
- cr(ed)ul(ity)
- creme de m(en)(the)
- cr(en)(ation)
- Crim(ea)n
- crim(in)ologi(st)
- cr(ing)(ed)
- cr(ing)(ing)
- cr(in)oid
- cr(one)
- croon(er)
- crop-e(ar)(ed)
- cross-(question)(ed)
- crosstrees
- crum(ble)d
- cry(st)al
- cul(in)(ar)y
- Cumaean
- cun(ea)te
- cu(sh)ion(ed)
- cu(st)om(er)
- cycl(one)
- Cyclop(ea)n
- cz(ar)(in)a