BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Braille Reference Desk
Main BRL page
BANA publications
English Braille, American Edition 1994
Braille Formats
Chemistry 1997
Music 1997
Nemeth Mathematics 1972
Reference Sheets
Summary of Rules
Contractions List
Braille contractions
Typical Problem words
Interactive Resources:
Contraction Lookup
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Copyright © 1996, 1997,1998,1999, 2000 The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., All
rights reserved.
S Words
- sa(bb)atical
- sac(ch)(ar(in)e
- sa(cc)ulat(ed)
- sa(ch)em
- sa(ch)et
- Sacra(ment)o
- sacri(st)an
- sa(dd)(en)
- Sadowa [w pronounced v]
- sa(ff)l(ow)(er)
- Said [Port]
- sa(in)thood
- salam(and)(er)
- salea(ble)
- sal(in)a
- S(ally)
- salt(work)s
- s(and)al
- s(and)(ar)ac
- sangu(in)(ar)y
- s(ar)c(en)et
- s(ar)coma
- s(ar)(ong)
- s(ar)sap(ar)illa
- Satur(day
- savagery
- sawhorse
- say-(so)
- sca(bb)i(ness)
- sca(ff)opld(ing
- sc(and)al(ou)s
- Sc(and)(in)avian
- sc(ar)lat(in)a
- sca(the)(less)
- Scatt(er)good
- scatt(er)gd [scattergood]
- sc(en)(ar)io
- sc(en)(er)y
- s(ch)(er)z(and)o
- s(ch)ism
- s(ch)i(st)
- s(ch)ola(st)ic
- s(ch)oon(er)
- s(ch)ottis(ch)e
- sci(ence)
- scl(er)osis
- sc(of)f
- sc(one)
- sc(ound)rel
- scra(gg)y
- scrib(ble)d
- scriv(en)(er)
- scru(bb)(ed)
- scrut(in)ize
- scuff
- scu(ff)(ed)
- scy(the)
- sea
- s(ea)bo(ar)d
- s(ea)f(ar)(ing)
- sea-gre(en)
- sea-isl(and)
- s(ea)man
- se(ance)
- se(ar)(ch)(ed)
- s(ea)s
- s(ea)(sh)ore
- s(ea)son(ed)
- S(ea)ttle
- se(cc)o
- sec(ed)(ed)
- s(ed)an
- sedate
- s(ed)ative
- s(ed)(en)t(ar)y
- s(ed)i(ment)
- sedi(tion)
- seduc(ed)
- seduc(tion)
- s(ed)ul(ou)s
- se(ed)(time)
- se(en)
- see(the)d
- se(in)(ed)
- sel(en)ite
- self-(be)lief
- self-comm(and)
- self-(con)fid(en)t
- self-(dis)tru(st)
- self-(in)duc(ed)
- self-(knowledge)
- sell(ou)t
- semi-(in)valid
- sem(in)(ar)
- sem(in)if(er)(ou)s
- Sem(in)ole
- s(en)esc(ence)
- s(en)ile
- s(en)il(ity)
- s(en)ior(ity)
- senor
- s(en)t(ence)d
- s(en)ti(ment)al(ity)
- sep(ar)(ation)
- s(er)(en)ad(ing)
- s(er)(en)e
- s(er)(en)(ity)
- s(er)g(ea)nt
- s(er)ial
- s(er)ies
- s(er)(ing)a
- s(er)i(ou)s
- s(er)um
- s(er)vicea(ble)
- s(ever)
- s(ever)al
- s(ever)(ance)
- sev(er)e
- sev(er)(ity)
- S(ever)n
- s(for)z(and)o
- sh!
- (sh)a(bb)i(ness)
- (sh)ad
- (sh)a(dd)ock
- (sh)adi(ness)
- (sh)ado(of)
- (sh)ad(ow)y
- (Sh)adra(ch)
- (sh)a(gg)i(ness)
- (sh)aked(ow)n
- (Sh)akespe(ar)(ea)n
- (sh)allop
- (sh)all(ow)(ness)
- (sh)anghai(ed)
- (sh)e(ar)s
- (sh)(ea)(the)d
- (sh)(ed)d(ing)
- (Sh)eean
- (sh)eepsh(ea)d
- (Sh)(en)(and)oah
- (sh)(en)anigan
- (sh)(er)iff
- (sh)(er)iffÕs
- (sh)i(bb)ole(th)
- (sh)illy-(sh)(ally)
- (sh)(ing)l(ed)
- (sh)ipw(right)
- (sh)o(dd)y
- (sh)(of(ar)
- (sh)ortcom(ing)
- (sh)orth(and)
- (sh)orthorn
- (Sh)o(sh)one
- (Sh)o(sh)on(ea)n
- (sh)(ou)ld(er)
- (sh)dnÕt [shouldnÕt]
- (sh)d(st) [shouldst]
- (sh)r(ed)d(ed)
- (sh)r(of)f
- (sh)ru(bb)(er)y
- (sh)ru(gg)(ed)
- (sh)u(dd)(er)(ing)
- (sh)u(ff)l(ed)
- (sh)ut-in
- (sh)ut-(in)s
- Sib(er)ian
- sid(er)(ea)l
- Si(er)ra Le(one)
- si(gh)thole
- sil(ence)d
- S(in)ai
- s(in)(ful)ly
- s(ing)(ed)
- s(Ing)h
- s(ing)ul(ar)
- s(in)us
- siro(cc)o
- si(st)(er)-in-law
- Si(st)(in)e
- sizea(ble)
- skeda(dd)le
- skuldu(gg)(er)y
- sl(and)(er)(ou)s
- slav(er)y
- sl(ed)d(ing)
- sli(the)r
- slo(bb)(er)
- slo(th)(ful)(ness)
- slu(gg)(ed)
- smi(the)re(en)s
- smoo(the)r
- s(mother)
- smu(gg)l(er)
- sna(ff)l(ed)
- sna(gg)(ed)
- snakeroot
- sno(bb)i(sh)(ness)
- sn(ow)-bl [snow-blind]
- sn(ow)(sh)(ed)
- snuff
- snu(ff)box
- snu)gg)l(ed)
- so [musical note]
- (so)-(and)-(so)
- sobeit
- (so)-call(ed)
- so(cc)(er)
- so(dd)(en)
- so(ever)
- s(of)a
- s(of)fit
- s(of)the(ar)t(ed)
- sol(en)oid
- sombr(er)o
- (some)body
- (some)(one)
- som(er)sault
- Som(er)set
- (some)(th)(ing)
- (some)(time)s
- (some)(where)
- s(ong)(st)(er)
- son-in-law
- soon(er)
- Soong
- soo(the)d
- sophi(st)ic(ation)
- sor(gh)um
- (so)Õs
- soso
- (so)-(so)
- s(ou)Õea(st)
- s(ou)(ff)le
- s(ought)
- s(ound)(less)
- s(ou)ta(ch)e
- s(ou)(th)ea(st)
- s(ou)(the)rn
- s(ou)v(en)ir
- sov(er)eign
- spa(gh)etti
- sp(ar)eribs
- S(part)an
- s(part)e(in)e
- sp(ea)keasy
- spe(ar)(ed)
- Sp(ence)r
- Sp(ence)rian
- sph(en)oid
- sph(er)e
- sph(er)oid
- spiken(ar)d
- sp(in)esc(en)t
- sp(in)ose
- (spirit)(ed)
- (spirit)(less)
- (spirit)s
- (spirit)u(ally)
- (spirit)uel
- (spirit)us
- spl(en)etic(ally)
- sp(ong)e
- sp(ong)y
- spo(of)
- spoon(ed)
- sp(right)ly
- spr(ing)halt
- spr(ing)(time)
- squab(ble)d
- squally
- squ(and)(er)ed)
- squire(ar)(ch)y
- (St).
- (st)a(bb)(ed)
- (st)a(ble)d
- (st)a(cc)ato
- (st)aff
- (st)a(ff)(ed)
- (st)a(gg)(er)(ed)
- (st)agh(ound)
- (St)al(in)grad
- (st)am(in)a
- (st)(ance)
- (st)an(ch)ion(ed)
- (st)(and)(ar)d
- (st)(and)-by
- (st)(and)-in
- (st)(and)-(in)s
- (st)(and)(ou)t
- (st)(and)(st)ill
- (st)(ar)like
- (st)ateroom
- (st)(ation)(ar)y
- (st)(ation)(er)
- (st)ati(st)ics
- (st)e(ar)(in)
- (st)(ea)tite
- (st)eel(work)(er)
- (st)(en)ograph(er)
- (st)ep(ch)ild
- (st)ep(father)
- (st)ep-in
- (st)ep-(in)s
- (st)ep(mother)
- (st)ev(ed)ore
- s(the)inic
- (st)ia(cc)iato
- (st)i(ff)(en)
- (st)illborn
- (st)ill(ed)
- (st)ill(ness)
- (st)ills
- (still)Õs
- (st)(ing)(ar)ee
- (st)(ing)y
- (st)irab(ou)t
- (st)ock(in)et
- (st)(one)
- (st)on(ed)
- (st)(one)(work)
- (st)oreroom
- (st)(ou)the(ar)t(ed)
- (st)ra(dd)l(ed)
- (st)ra(gg)l(ed)
- (st)rai(gh)t(for)w(ar)d
- (st)ratosph(er)e
- (st)r(en)g(the)n(ed)
- (st)r(ing)(en)do
- (st)r(ing)(en)t
- (st)r(ing)halt
- (st)r(ong)hold
- (st)r(ong)-will(ed)
- (st)r(ong)yle
- (st)ru(gg)l(ing)
- (st)ry(ch)in(in)e
- (St). S(with)(in)
- (st)u(bb)(ed)
- (st)u(cc)o(work)
- (st)uff
- (st)u(ff)i(ness)
- (st)um(ble)d
- subbase(ment)
- subcommittee
- subconsci(ou)s
- sublet
- subpoena
- subpoena(ed)
- subtr(er)ran(ea)n
- su(cc)es(sion)
- su(cc)(in)ct
- su(dd)(en)
- su(dd)(en)(ness)
- suede
- su(ff)ix
- su(ff)oc(ation)
- su(ff)ragi(st)
- su(gg)es(tion)
- sulph(ar)s(en)ide
- sulph(one)
- sulta(ness)
- summon(ed)
- Sun(day)
- s(under)
- sup(er)dr(ea)dn(ought)
- sup(er)(er)og(ation)
- sup(er)erogatory
- sup(er)ior(ity)
- sup(in)(ation)
- sup(in)e(ness)
- supple(ment)(ar)y
- suprar(en)al
- surm(ount)a(ble)
- sur(name)
- surr(ea)li(st)
- surr(ound)(ed)
- surt(ou)t
- su(st)a(in)(ed)
- su(st)(en)(ance)
- suz(er)a(in)
- swa(bb)(ed)
- swa(dd)l(ing)
- swa(gg)(er)(ed)
- swa(st)ika
- swa(st)ika(ed)
- swa(the)d
- Sw(ed)(en)
- sweethe(ar)t
- sw(in)i(sh)
- s(with)(er)
- swoon(ed)
- sword
- sy(en)ite
- synaeresis
- synes(the)sia
- syr(ing)e
- sy(st)em