BRL: Braille through Remote Learning

Braille Transcribers Course

Session 9 page

Session Topics
  • Punctuation and enclosures
  • Boxes
  • Displayed Materials
  • Omissions, Blanks, Errors

  • Writing Exercise

  • Transcribers Course
  • Special Codes course

  • Session 9: Writing Exercise

    Directions: prepare for submission the following exercise. Using one of the electronic braille software packages, transcribe into braille the following sentences. Electronic braille generated using a six-key Perkins emulator is the preferred format.

    For your submission, use the following format: braille your name, email, and institution in the top right-hand corner in the first space, with runovers in Cell Three. Begin brailling on Line Five.

    Submit your braille either via email. Electronic braille (Mac/PCBrailler, Duxbury, Edgar, Megadots, Pokadot, etc.) should be sent via email to You can also use the text box at the bottom of this page to submit your work. Simply cut and paste the braille into the box, then click on the "Submit braille" button.

    NO HARD COPY BRAILLE IS ACCEPTED! We strongly recommend that you use one of many computer-based electronic brailling software packages. Prepare braille pages for these three items. You do not need to include a running head or page numbers (unless you would like to do so!).

    If you are having trouble seeing the graphic below, click on the graphic to zoom in. Seeing entire graphic will require scrolling up and down, left and right.



    Braille software used
    (Duxbury, Megadots, etc.):

    Paste your electronic braille here:
