4. Rests
(Table 4)
4.1. (11-97) The signs in this Table should be used for all rests which occur in the print; but it frequently happens that the braille text can only be made clear to the reader by the inclusion of rests which do not appear in the print. Each transcriber-added rest must be preceded by dot 5.

4.2. A measure of silence is indicated in the print by a whole rest, whatever the time signature may be, except that in 4/2 time the double whole rest may sometimes be found.
4.3. When a silence is prolonged for two or three measures, the rests are written as at (a) below; when it extends for four or more measures, the procedure is that shown at (b).
4.3.1. When the double whole rest is used, form (a) from Table 4 must be used for a silence of two or more measures: #bmk
4.4. Dotted rests are shown thus: