BRL: Braille through Remote Learning

Braille Transcribers Course

Session 8 page

Session Topics
  • Poetry
  • Margin-numbered Texts
  • Songbooks and Hymnals

  • Writing Exercise

  • Transcribers Course
  • Special Codes course

  • Session 8: Margin-Numbered Texts

    Preparing manuscripts with numbers in the margin is relatively straight-forward and commonsensical. Guidelines for margin-numbered texts are provided in Rule 11 on margin-numbered texts, hymnals, and songbooks, from the Braille Formats rulebook.

    One of the things to notice in Rule 11 is that there are some slightly different rules for prose versus poetry. Prose is defined as "the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing", whereas poetry is defined as "metrical writing" or "writing in verses". Knowing the difference is particularly important in terms of indentions.

    Since one of our examples is a portion of a play, we have also include Rule 9: Plays, Dialogue, and Interview Format from the Formats textbook code.

    As with poetry, some examples are helpful:

    1. Short story with numbered paragraphs
    2. Drama reading (prose) with line numbers